A complete line of archaeology screens, forensic sifters and inserts, designed for any field situation from large-scale excavations to backpack surveys.

Standard Features
» User Friendly Design
» Horizontal and Cross Braced Legs
» Dadoed Joints
» Quality Materials
» Replaceable Stainless Steel Mesh
» Spar Urethane Finish
» Prompt Delivery
Archaeology & Forensic Screens - large capacity models
Happy Summers end and Fall
We'll be away from the store from August 1st to September 30th. There is work to do always and June and July have been wonderful and we are grateful for all the very many Orders. We'll send the next weeks sending orders and cleaning up Shop And planning new products!
Thanks to all our Customers. Come and see the screens and make you plans for your next season.I love meeting our Customers and making sure you get what you want!
Happy end of Summer, Joe and Eleanor Spangler, AEO Archaeology Screens. We'll be away from the store from August 1st to September 30th. There is work to do always and June and July have been wonderful and we are grateful for all the very many Orders. We'll spend the next weeks sending orders and cleaning up Shop.
Thanks to all our Customers. Come and see the screens and make you plans for your next season.I love meeting our Customers and making sure you get what you want!
Happy end of Summer, Joe and Eleanor Spangler, AEO Archaeology Screens